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Meet the Team - Josie

What is your role at Down To Earth Organics? 

I am lucky enough to work with the amazing Lisa, creating content and copy for Down to Earth Organics social media, website journal and events. 

What is your background and how did it lead you to a role at DTE? 

My background is a whirlwind of creative endeavours and an odd mash up of university degrees and life experiences. Previous to free lancing as a creative consultant, I have worked in floristry, wholefoods, humanitarian aid and events. I have degrees in business, event management and sustainable design.   

Finding my way to Down to Earth Organics was one of those wonderful circumstances of persistence and like. I admired the ethos and history at Down to Earth Organics and believed my skill set in the creative could be of genuine use to them. 

What are you passionate about?  

The ocean and its coast, surfing, creativity, kindness, community, photography and flowers. 

What wellness rituals do you have in your life right now? 

I have a ritual of gratitude, and of swimming outside every day.   

Do you have any favourite podcasts, books or shows on the go? 

Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Kimmerer has been my handbook to understanding a relationship between the land and identity. She writes about the reciprocal relationships between humans and the land, with a focus on the role of plants and botany in both Native American and Western traditions. The author writes in a poetic, lyrical style that I find enchanting.  

Tell us about your adorable rabbit Birkenstock? 

Sigh, Birkenstock (Birkey) he is the most adorable, annoying, entitled, loveable Rabbit I am lucky enough to have guardianship over. Originally a therapy rabbit Birkenstock was training to be certified to visit hospitals and make home visits to children going through various learning difficulties. Unfortunately, due to a series of unfortunate circumstances it was decided Birkey would remain a house rabbit.  He is a two years old brown and blonde Mini lop and is easily bribed with Banana, Blueberries and Pears.  

He is my best friend. 

We heard you lived and travelled in your van for a year? Tell us about that experience?  

This experience was the hardest and most soul giving journey I have ever taken. Two years ago I left my small floristry business and my beloved Piha home, tiny house, failed relationship, brought a van and decided to live on the road for a year in an attempt to rediscover myself (pretty much a cheaper version of eat pray love).  

It was my dad who suggested it, my grandmother had left me some money to specifically buy a van. So, the van was purchased, painted and renovated and I began a trip around Aotearoa, coast to coast, summer to summer, which if I am honest, saved my mental health and helped me fall in love with myself for the first time in my adult life.  

And yes, Birkey the bunny did travel with me, we built into the van his own little apartment. 


What is your favourite product in-store right now? 

The Little Bird coconut and passion fruit macaroons are a personal favourite. I’m a sucker for fancy, organic locally grown greens, so Six Acres Farm and Kaitake Farms produce always find a happy home in my shopping basket.  

Do you have any passion products you are working on right now?  

My Father and I are currently building a tiny house, well more like a surf shack on wheels. I am hoping it will be completed by May next year, so that I can escape for the winter!